Rocklane Christian Church is a special place, a place that seeks to love the world with God's love by following the guidance of His Word. By the grace of God, Rocklane has continued to defy the odds that so often harm the church.
The average life of a church is 96 years, Rocklane is over 170 years old. In 1846, two home churches joined to form this church.
It is said that 80% of all churches have plateaued, Rocklane has been steadily growing ever since it was started, and especially in the last 20 years.
It is said that when the average church turns 50 years old, its best years lie behind them. With each year and decade, Rocklane has always ever seen more exciting things happening.
This comes from a history of allowing God, rather than man, to lead this church, of seeking to stand firm on His Word. Ever since the beginning, this congregation has continued to make decisions and pool resources to grow the Kingdom of Christ, always holding the word of God close and always striving to share the Gospel with anyone and everyone.
Now our church is growing rapidly, serving the community, across the seas, and each other. We have outgrown our facilities and look to an exciting future of more expansion for the kingdom. Rocklane Christian Church is a special place!